[SunRescue] Netra X1.

Tim Harrison rescue at sunhelp.org
Wed Jan 17 19:50:50 CST 2001

Two words:  woo hoo!

Nice to see Sun finally get the price down (under USD$1k probably ==
USD$999)!  I'm building a hosting solution for the company I work for,
and the only thing they complained about was the cost of Sun gear.  No
longer.  I can justify this backwards and forwards.

They rule!

Now, if they cut the costs of their other machines, the server buying
market who thought that Sun machines were too expensive will look twice,
and probably get a Netra X1 instead of that IA-32 based machine.

I think I'll try to convince my wife to get a few for home. :)


Tim Harrison
Network Engineer
harrison at timharrison.com

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