[SunRescue] RE: Solaris 1.1 on a 4/330

Dave McGuire rescue at sunhelp.org
Sat Jan 13 23:21:13 CST 2001

On January 12, Peter L. Wargo wrote:
> > "25MHz should be enough for anyone" -- Tim Harrison, 2001
> Basenji.com started on a SPARCstation 1 (not a 1+) with a 420M disk and 8M
> of RAM (SunOS 4.1.4).  'Course, that was 1994.  It seems to be fine on an
> Ultra-1 now...  
> -Pete "Well, 20MHz was enough for me" Wargo.

  Well, since a SPARCstation-1 can easily saturate a T1 by itself,
it'd be fine for most people nowadays too.  But Microsoft's marketing
(and the unfortunate proliferation of Perl) seem to have us "needing"
much much more than that.  *sigh*

       -Dave McGuire

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