[SunRescue] note on living expenses

Dan Lane rescue at sunhelp.org
Fri Jan 12 09:24:52 CST 2001

I bet you get a lot of stick for that name huh??

a lot of people don't like your doppleganger... although most of them
don't know why :P

and mine have GOT to be the smelliest AND loudest (I can get my Girlfriend
to testify in any courtroom)

Dan Lane (d at x11.net)

Web: http://www.logicbomb.net
PGP Key: http://www.logicbomb.net/pgpkey

Jonathan Katz sent the following on Fri, 12 Jan 2001...

> Peter put forth
> > :-)
> > I wonder what some would think of us having a quiet fag behind the office?
> That would mean something very different in say... San Francisco than it
> would in say... London.
> Either way, I've found that when it comes to bodily functions us geeks make
> no quams about having the loudest/smelliest farts, belches, etc. I'm sure
> my doppleganger will make that a part of his next case study in his next
> book... *rolls eyes*
> -Jon
> --
> Jonathan Katz
> e-mail: jon at jonworld.com 
> website: http://jonworld.com
> proprietor: http://bachelor-cooking.com
> Cell: 317-698-4023 * Pager: 800-759-8888 1770869 * FAX: 530-688-5347
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