now : Energy usage RE: [SunRescue] Monthly living expenses Was OT : natural gas prices

Dave McGuire rescue at
Wed Jan 10 10:25:31 CST 2001

On January 10, Bill Bradford wrote:
> > 	A random thought: With all this talk of energy consumption I begin
> > to wonder, anyone noticed the cops hanging out in front of their houses? the
> > reason I ask this is that in most localities the power company passes the
> > names of energy users that pass a certain threshold of consumption to the
> > local vice squad. The usual reason is that growing Pot , because of the grow
> > lamps, uses a lot of electricity. I just wonder if massive computer users
> > can trigger that anmount or not. hate to have the swat team kick in the door
> > cause I am compiling a new kernel :-).
> > 	Michael A. Turner
> Isnt this an urban legend?

  It's not an urban legend.  I know two people that this actually
happened to.

         -Dave McGuire

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