[SunRescue] MP3 collections
Hatle, Steven J.
rescue at sunhelp.org
Fri Feb 23 07:53:24 CST 2001
Whenever we buy a new CD, it immediately gets ripped down to the NetApp, and
Jeanne and I both know how to update the playlists of our respective players
to reflect the current state of what's in the NetApp store.
I never bothered with Napster- not that I had any legal problems with it,
just that I didn't need another obsession at this time. Though it might be
nice to find the oddball track once in a while.
Anyone heard more about the Gateway and/or Dell components that hook to your
stereo to feed it MP3's stored on your home LAN? They were in PC Magazine
last month, and look to be about $300 each. Might be close to time to run an
Ethernet drop to the back of the entertainment center. . .
-----Original Message-----
From: Chad Fernandez [mailto:fernande at internet1.net]
Sent: Thursday, February 22, 2001 7:29 PM
To: rescue at sunhelp.org
Subject: [SunRescue] MP3 collections
How does everybody get these huge mp3 collections? I have read of
several of you speak of having a large numner of MP3s. I have a few cds
that I have ripped to MP3, but it takes awhile. Did you guys just have
a constant connection to Napster?
Chad Fernandez
Michigan, USA
"Hatle, Steven J." wrote:
> ONe of the uses of the NetApp 450 I have in the basement is as an MP3
> repository. With the use of the NFS gateway in the NT/UNIX Services
> from M$, even my wife's Win98 laptop has access to the GB's of MP3's that
> are encoded and spinning away down there. . .it's nice to have all the
> file storage centralized- makes it easier to migrate functions and
> functionality around between machines.
> Steve
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