[SunRescue] OpenBSD boot floppy DOA

David Cantrell rescue at sunhelp.org
Wed Feb 7 13:51:57 CST 2001

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From: "Mike Hebel" <drone8of9 at crosswinds.net>

> >><sarcasm>
> >>I checked the link.  $6 for a floppy drive!  That's outrageous! ;-)
> >></sarcasm>
> LOL!
> I actually saw one on E-Bay go for ~$50!

I've paid more than that for a floppy drive in the past.  Mind you, it
was a 3" drive (yes, 3" not 3.5") and so rather rare.  I got a free
computer with it which I gave away.

David Cantrell | root at alphacomplex.org | http://www.cantrell.org.uk/david/

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