[SunRescue] Salvaging a big case to use as drive enclosure?

David Rouse rescue at sunhelp.org
Sat Feb 3 12:56:41 CST 2001

On 2/3/01 at 12:32 PM, jeff borisch <jeff at sonicrim.com> wrote:

>Don't know if this helps, but if it were a regular Mac Architecture
>this behavior is spot-on what happens when the PRAM battery goes dead. Look
>on the MB for a 3.6v or so lithium cell (like a stubby A cell). It's worth
>the $8 or so for a new one if you can't test voltage on the old one. If it
>is very far off of 3v I'd bet this is your problem.

Hmmm, I could see it being forced to Open Firmware and telling me to provide
a boot device, but the thing doesn't even run the POST tests. I switched the
PRAM battery with one from another Apple computer. The other Apple Computer
seems to work fine but the ANS still won't boot. So I'm still saying ROM or
CPU card. 
David Rouse                            * Our World - Your World - RouseWorld
david at rouseworld.org                   * www.rouseworld.org

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