[SunRescue] we're all just spoiled (was: re: IPC)
KenHansenn2vip at bellatlantic.net
KenHansenn2vip at bellatlantic.net
Mon Oct 23 18:18:36 CDT 2000
I'm still waiting for a parts update on these $89 wonders... ;^)
Seriously, I've noticed recently that 200 Mhz PPro CPUs w/1 Meg cache are
selling for about $130... Not that Iwould suggest you dump your perfectly
good PPro 200 CPUs with less cache for these, but that is one *heck* of a
lot of CPU for $130... The cache, IIRC runs at system speed, and may be the
largest on-chip cache size available in X86-land...
HighTech Cafe has these CPUs for about this price.
Bill, did you take note of any of the system parts when you built this up -
was the adaptec SCSI built-in or a PCI card? How is the 32 Meg RAM
configured - one SIMM? Ram expansion slots? What OS are you running on your
little box? Are you running IDE or SCSI HD (it looks like IDE based on the
size/cost cited below)? Did you get the Kingston SCSI sled for $10 more?
I promised some friends P133+ machines, and I'm thinking I might just get a
few of these to satisfy that promise (I *could* part with my misc.
Frankenstein boxes, but they are not that stable...).
(PS I just wrapped up that Proxim RangeLan/2 card for you - it will be in
the mail tomorrow!)
----- Original Message -----
From: "Bill Bradford" <mrbill at mrbill.net>
To: <rescue at sunhelp.org>
Sent: Monday, October 23, 2000 6:55 PM
Subject: Re: [SunRescue] we're all just spoiled (was: re: IPC)
> On Mon, Oct 23, 2000 at 04:43:32PM -0400, Dave McGuire wrote:
> I'm using a 200Mhz PPro box right now at home that cost me $89 with 32mb
> of RAM - I added a 6.4gig HD (~50), Matrox Millenium 4mb PCI video
> card ($17), and an old IDE CD-ROm drive I had laying around ($10).
> The only other thing I added was another 96mb RAM, which I traded some
> other parts for. So, my total expense on this box was around $175.
> Monitor? I've got a 14" Packard Bell that does 800x600. Keyboard and
> mouse I dug out of my junk drawer.
> So, instead of going out and blowing at least $500 on what some people
> would call a "decent" home PC box, I spent around $200 on a PPro200
> (overclocked to 233 "just because") that does the job just fine, including
> Netscape, SSS, and MP3s (the only things I "need" a computer for at home).
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