[SunRescue] Re: Trolls and MP on rescued suns
Michael-JohnTurnermj at turner.org.za
Michael-JohnTurnermj at turner.org.za
Sat Oct 7 06:14:58 CDT 2000
On Fri, Oct 06, 2000 at 08:52:22PM -0700, Robert Novak wrote:
> Has anyone played with SuSE or newer Redhat on dual systems? I'll suggest
> the 600MP with SM100 since those are often rescued (try to get this back
> somewhere near the topic of the list), although if anything I'm more
> likely to put the 600MPs out to be rescued by another good home soon.
This doesn't really answer your question, but auric.debian.org, the main
Debian GNU/Linux archive machine, is running Debian 2.2. It's a dual 450Mhz
Ultra 60 with 1.5G RAM and kernel 2.2.17. Nice machine :)
There is no RH 7.0 for SPARC AFAIK, but they say there _may_ be a 7.1/7.2
SPARC release.
Michael-John Turner | http://www.edr.uct.ac.za/~mj/
mj at debian.org | Open Source in WC ZA - http://www.clug.org.za/
mj at phantom.eri.uct.ac.za | GPG/PGP key via mail, WWW or finger @phantom
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