[SunRescue] CDROM player caddie.

Kris Kirby kris at hiwaay.net
Thu Mar 16 02:58:54 CST 2000

> > Well... generally the caddy is a standard thing...
> > My Plextor CD-Writer uses the same caddy as the old Sun CD-ROM.
> > Perhaps it is sold as a spare part.
> > 
> 	[>]  Thanks, mine is an old Sun CDROM so this is useful to know.
> 	Any ideas where I could get one from?
> 	Thanks,
> 	  Richard. 

This is the same thing that got Walnut Creek CDROM so much sales. They
found out they could import them in gross quantities and sell them for $6
apiece when everyone else was charging $22. Basically, you should be able
to find one for free... Just ask around. Someone somewhere junked a drive
and still has a caddy hidden in a drawer somewhere...

Kris Kirby, KE4AHR          | TGIFreeBSD... 'Nuff said.
<kris at nospam.hiwaay.net>    |    
"God gave them the ability to reproduce...
	... Science gave us the hope they won't." -KBK

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