[SunRescue] Anybody ever get their boards off ebay?

Bill Bradford mrbill at mrbill.net
Thu Feb 24 21:49:33 CST 2000

Anbody ever get their board that had the microsparc 110 on it, off ebay?
(you know, the strange board that James Lockwood had to ID..)  Mine has
never shown up.

Another question - anybody know what the performance of the PGX24 onboard
video adapter is versus the TechSource Raptor/PGX32?  My PGX32 gives
*great* 24-bit color, but doing things like moving windows, its rather
slow (something I noticed at my last job on the permedia2-based video
cards as well..).  I'm spoiled, with a Creator3D at work.. 8-)


| Bill Bradford | mrbill at mrbill.net |
+-------BEGIN GEEK CODE BLOCK-------+-----------------------------------+
| Version: 3.12                                                         |
| GCS d- s:++ a- C++++ US++++ P+ L- E--- W+++ N++ o K+++ w--- O- M-- V- |
| PS PE+ Y+ PGP t+ 5 X- R-- tv+++ b++++ DI++++ D++ G++ e++ h r++ y+     |
+-----END GEEK CODE BLOCK-----------------------------------------------+

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