[SunRescue] What exactly is a Sun 4/25 ?

Kurt Huhn kurthuhn at k-huhn.com
Sat Apr 29 01:39:22 CDT 2000

> > I ran across a Sun 4/25 in surplus, today.  What exactly is the critter?
> > It looks like a monitor with a card cage thingie on the back.
> Following up myself a bit.  It looks like it has an external scsi port
> and from the faq seems to be an ELC mono monitor thing.
> How does that beast compare with, say an SS1, speedwise or other
> performancewise?
> I am assuming it probably has 16M ram and no drive of any sort internally.
> But, can it boot and run external drives, satisfactorily, or will it only
> netboot?

I have one of these little beasties (ELC) and it boots Solaris 2.6
off of an external drive just fine.  Pretty soon it will be taking on
the role of a web server once I get around to building the server
closet off the garage and wiring the house with data ports.  Call it
"home improvement for geeks".

kurthuhn at k-huhn.com

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