[SunRescue] Diskless Workstations
Sheldon T. Hall
shall1 at columbus.rr.com
Wed May 19 08:08:31 CDT 1999
Those Macintosh SIMMs are almost certainly non-parity; I'm surprised it worked at all!
From: Nick Richardson[SMTP:nrichard at chem.wayne.edu]
Sent: Wednesday, May 19, 1999 12:49 AM
To: rescue at sunhelp.org
Subject: Re: [SunRescue] Diskless Workstations
Well, I was going to ask this very question, but seeing as it's already
been done, I'll comment on how it went.
Basically just typed in the two commands with the correct parameters and it
seems to have worked (I'll explain the seemed part).
1. setup_install_server -b [where you want to put the files, for me
2. add_install_client -i [client ip] -e [client ethernet address] -s
[servername:where the files are on the server] clientname machinetype
Everything is then set up automatically..nothing else to do.
Started up the client machine and net-boot worked great for a minute or so
until i get a watchdog reset, instruction access error. This is the same
error I got when i tried to boot the system off a hardrive with Solaris 7.
The question is could this be due to some dubious RAM I pulled out of a
Macintosh. The SIMMS are 2 chip rather than 9..is this the source of the
problem? When I pull these out I only have 4M left, so the net boot fails
with a panic, Cannot find link in range.
Anyhow, thanks for the information James
Nick Richardson
Nick Richardson
Wayne State University
Department of Chemistry
Rescue maillist - Rescue at sunhelp.org
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