[geeks] Cat6 between buildings and grime proofing?

Mark Benson md.benson at gmail.com
Thu Jun 13 03:55:59 CDT 2013

We're havibg a new workshop building put up at work and need to supply ethernet to the building so the shop staff can use the online references while they work.

Issue 1 is getting network to the building.  They will share a common electric supply and as such should be universally grounded. I have been told it isn't good practice to run Cat6 between physical buildings because of ground difference between the ends. Is this something we need to worry about here and if so what are the alternatives? 

Issue 2 is the shop staff will have a PC and be working on 4x4s all day that range from kinda clean to caked in crap. They also do a lot if oily jobs. What would you guys recommend for protecting the PC?

Mark Benson

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