[geeks] Mac definitions

Sandwich Maker adh at an.bradford.ma.us
Tue Jul 12 21:06:36 CDT 2011

" From: Shannon <shannon at widomaker.com>
" []
" Now cars generally go 100K miles or more before even getting their first
" minor tune up. The ones that suck and can't do that? They generally
" sucked back then too.

100k between tuneups has been a federal mandate since the '90s.  all
new cars can do it.

old cars are as common on the roads today as they ever were, if not
more so.  the difference is that today they're still in great shape.
the reason is federal mandates to maintain emissions and safety

" I love old cars, but do not want to maintain them on a daily basis.

my solution - tell my mechanic to give my car a thorough physical at
inspection time.  it's still cheaper than a new car.
Andrew Hay                                  the genius nature
internet rambler                            is to see what all have seen
adh at an.bradford.ma.us                       and think what none thought

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