[geeks] [rescue] Ultra 5 OS

Lionel Peterson lionel4287 at gmail.com
Tue Apr 27 18:35:13 CDT 2010

On Apr 27, 2010, at 5:56 PM, gsm at mendelson.com wrote:

> IBM used to give away it's operating system software and basic  
> applications
> programs. In the early 1950's it started a library of free software
> from contributors. So they were giving away open source software  
> long before Cygnus existed.

Actually, the OS and early compilers were bundled w/hardware, not  
'free' as I recall, and with the rise of plug-compatible mainframes  
they were forced 'productize' it to keep it out of the hands of  

I think as far as free applications go, I suspect you are describing  
SHARE, which was the prototype for DECUS, quasi-corporate sponsored  
users group with a large software library of contributions from  

Finally, I used to work for UniPress, and they got their start selling  
a supported version of EMACS, as I recall, the may have pre-dated  
Cygnus (or been started at aprox the same time)...


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