[geeks] I just saw...

Lionel Peterson lionel4287 at verizon.net
Tue Nov 7 23:08:24 CST 2006

>From: Charles Shannon Hendrix <shannon at widomaker.com>
>Date: 2006/11/07 Tue PM 10:43:02 CST
>To: The Geeks List <geeks at sunhelp.org>
>Subject: Re: [geeks] I just saw...

>Tue, 07 Nov 2006 @ 21:23 -0600, Lionel Peterson said:
>> The movie left me with the belief thatif Diebold would simply:
>Honestly... this is not rocket science.
>It isn't that hard to build a computer that can't be tampered with.
>Also, does anyone else find it funny that we've been using computers to
>read hand-written voter cards for decades, and no one seems to worry
>about tampering with them?

We (USA) spent $4 Billion on electronic voting machines because a bunch of folks in Florida couldn't figure out a "butterfly" paper ballot and wound up voting for the wrong person back in 2000... [0]

I heard James Carville (ole serpent head) say that there is no way he would ever trust an electronic voting machine - what, those mechanical polls were more secure? The process we elect our government has always had flaws, but no one really questioned it like they did in 2000.


[0] Humourously enough, it was a democratic election official that designed the infamous "butterfly" ballot in Floridia in 2000.

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