[geeks] ultralight suicide mission

Brian Dunbar brian.dunbar at liftport.com
Wed Nov 1 00:25:27 CST 2006

Geoffrey S. Mendelson wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 31, 2006 at 06:35:07PM -0600, Brian Dunbar wrote:
>> Think of it as the world's tallest tower.  Which it might be
>> advantageous to be, legally speaking.
> But what happens when you toss a penny off of it?
> Geoff.

The East or the West side?

Brian Dunbar
System Administrator
Liftport - The Space Elevator Company

brian.dunbar at liftport.com
aim: bdunbar1967

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But move forward, too. Light a candle, yes. But also drive a rivet.

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