[geeks] Bluetooth Trackpad/ball (was: Compact keyboards)

Jon Gilbert jjj at io.com
Fri May 26 15:59:38 CDT 2006

On May 26, 2006, at 3:13 AM, Lionel Peterson wrote:

> Bluetooth keyboards are available, they are sold in the PDA  
> marketspace. For example: http://www.thinkoutside.com/ 
> stowawaybt_product.html
> Apple's wireless keyboard and mouse use Bluetooth: http:// 
> www.apple.com/keyboard/
> They are out there, but no one seems to think about using an  
> external keyboard in place of the built-in keyboard it seems...
> Lionel

Yeah, I guess it's more that I have been unable to find any kind of  
bluetooth trackpad or trackball. I'm a musician (keyboardist) and  
usually my laptop is quite a ways off. Plus, I need all the extra USB  
ports I can get, since the MIDI interface takes one, as well as my  
Alesis keyboard, and they both draw power. I could add a hub, but  
that would involve more set-up time and yet another thing to haul  
around. Any elimination of cables and other junk from my medusa-ass  
set-up would be sweet. A bluetooth trackpad or trackball (or  
bluetooth keyboard with built-in trackpad ideally) would be a really  
nice thing. Let me know if anyone knows of such a thing.

Jon Gilbert
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