[geeks] Wireless Routers

velociraptor velociraptor at gmail.com
Wed Jul 5 15:44:25 CDT 2006

On 7/5/06, Jonathan C. Patschke <jp at celestrion.net> wrote:
> On Wed, 5 Jul 2006, velociraptor wrote:
> But it'd be canceled out by supporting the Stallmanist Linux zealots
> rather than the BSD[0] folks.  I already have to add one[1] system
> running that blighted OS to my network this week.  I'll stand firmly
> against making it two or more.
> [0] I mean, Linus himself says the BSDers are "incompetent idiots", so
>      they're clearly more in need of help and support, right?  That, and
>      if I have to pay to get an OS with "dump", I'll pay for an OS that
>      has "dump".

There are plenty of autocratic zealots in the various OSS camps.  The
fact that it's taken Linux this long to be flushed out of the woods is
the only surprising part.  You can always take away the hardware
suggestions and purchase them elsewhere.

> [1] If only AIX 5.3 had support for SATA devices....

I'm surprised that you can't see the irony and incongruity of holding
[0] and [1] in the same brainspace.  Or perhaps you do, and just
mention them in the same breath to flabbergast the reader.


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