[geeks] Passwords, etc

Charles Shannon Hendrix shannon at widomaker.com
Mon Dec 11 13:09:47 CST 2006

Mon, 11 Dec 2006 @ 10:50 -0600, Bill Bradford said:

> Am I the only person who wouldn't mind some sort of subcutaneous
> implant so that I wouldnt have to carry around my ID badge/swipe
> card at the office?  
> I wouldn't mind hand-scanning, eye-scanning, etc.  

In some ways it is neat, interesting, and more secure.

However, I'm not sure the benefits outweigh the very serious

There are severe problems with biometrics:

If the information is stolen, you can't just get a new "ID". The only
way to issue a new biometric ID is if the system uses a salt, and that
really only partially solves the problem, and isn't much better than
current systems using non-bio ID which can be salted.

Someone who's identify has been stolen may find themselves unable to get
security authorization. Not just for secure employment, but maybe even
their own personal living quarters and property.

Biometrics takes the abuse currently done by advertising, government and
corporate snooping, and other ID abuses and multiplies them many times
over. I hate the way things are already, and I want to see a reverse,
not see it get worse.

shannon "AT" widomaker.com -- ["Castles are sacked in war, Chieftains are
scattered far, Truth is a fixed star, Eileen aroon!" -- Gerald Griffin]

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