[geeks] Why I hate Verizon Online

Lionel Peterson lionel4287 at verizon.net
Thu Dec 7 08:12:10 CST 2006

>From: Phil Stracchino <phil.stracchino at speakeasy.net>
>Date: 2006/12/05 Tue AM 11:28:33 CST
>To: The Geeks List <geeks at sunhelp.org>
>Subject: Re: [geeks] Why I hate Verizon Online

>John Francini wrote:
>> I've had Comcast since it was AT&T Brodband, and have not had any  
>> problems with them dinging me for "too much downloading" or anything  
>> like that.
>Hmmm......   if I go and look at Comcast's Internet service plans (for
>which I have to start up Intarweb Exploiter, because their crappy site
>is so broken it apparently only works with Exploiter), I discover that
>when you look at package details, they say if you're networking multiple
>home computers they must all be Macs running OS9 through 10.2 (but not
>10.0), or Windows 98SE through XP.

I've not read it, but I have Comcast Broadband at home (15 months now, no serious problems [0]), and I *assume* that is all they will support. It is odd that it doesn't even mention devices like Linksys/Netgear routers, since once you put that in line, it doesn't matter what is behind it...

Comcast sends you a CD-ROM full of supposed "goodness" which is not needed - I just plugged in the right info in my router and was off and running...


[0] Except for the time the cable *broke* in my front yard (ground shifted and snapped the cable underground, no digging in yard to break it). Anyway, it took over two months for them to get a trencher out to bury a new cable run from the pedestal to my house... After running an above-ground cable the day I called in the initial problem, then comng out two more times over the next two months to replace a cable cut by the guy cutting our yard...

I didn't know trenchers were so scarce... 

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