[geeks] Now for something completely geek

Phil Stracchino phil.stracchino at speakeasy.net
Thu Aug 24 09:29:40 CDT 2006

Sandwich Maker wrote:
> " From: Phil Stracchino <phil.stracchino at speakeasy.net>
> " I've been saying for some time that it's time for a uniform global
> " timezone.  So local dawn is at 1347?  You'll get used to it....
> why not decimal time while you're at it?  100 sec/min, 100 min/hr,
> 10 hr/day.  1 new sec = 0.864 old sec.

That'd require changing speedometers on every vehicle, recalculating and
redefining physical constants, etc, etc.

Now, calendar reform I could go for.  Our current calendar is a MESS.
The best suggestion I've heard of was actually proposed either by Arthur
Clarke or Isaac Asimov, I forget which:  Thirteen months of twenty-eight
days each, with one extra day.  Every month is exactly four weeks; no
more confusion around things like "fifth Monday of the month".  The
leftover day is not a part of any month, it's a standalone "year day",
and all leap-second adjustments are made to it.  (Plus, of course, the
leap day every four years except every two hundred except every
thousand, or whatever the exact rule is.)

 Same geek, same site, new location
 Phil Stracchino                     Landline: 603-429-0220
 phil.stracchino at speakeasy.net         Mobile: 603-216-7037
 Renaissance Man, Unix generalist, Perl hacker, Free Stater

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