[geeks] RE : Re: MS SBS Server - issues and questions

Bertrand Hutin bhutin at yahoo.fr
Sun Aug 13 08:07:47 CDT 2006

there is also the Acronis TrueImage commercial product, linux based.
Works with scsi, usb, network shares.

--- Phil Brutsche <phil at tux.obix.com> a icrit :

> der Mouse wrote:
> > You mean Ghost doesn't?
> No, it doesn't.  Ghost understands the file system on the partition
> (IIRC the understood file systems are FAT, FAT32, NTFS, ext2/ext3)
> and
> gets what it needs to create an *exact* *duplicate* on another
> partitions.  It can also expand a partition (ie upgrading to a larger
> drive), which is something g4u decidely *can't*.
> > That strikes me as a near-critical failing, because it means it
> can't
> > work right unless the filesystem on the partition is (a) one it 
> > recognizes and (b) undamaged.
> > 
> > In particular, this means you mustn't use ghost to save a copy of a
> > damaged partition before you try to repair it.
> That is all correct.  Ghost and similar programs (Acronis TrueImage,
> Symantec LiveState, possibly others) are intended for use on healthy
> volumes - system imaging for mass deployment, disaster recovery,
> backup/restore, etc.
> -- 
> Phil Brutsche
> phil at tux.obix.com
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