[geeks] MS SBS Server - issues and questions

Brian Dunbar brian.dunbar at liftport.com
Sat Aug 12 22:51:54 CDT 2006

James Fogg wrote:
>>I've picked up a part time job (hooray for keeping busy) with
>>a local integrator.  My role is to 'flip' his new clients
>>from whatever ad-hoc mess they'd been using* to SBS 2003.
> I've been specializing in SBS for a few years now and there's a lot of
> pitfalls with automated install / ghosting schemes. Basically, SBS *has*
> a giant "script" if you want to call it that, it's the "wizard". The
> wizard of course is the "Server Management" MMC overlay. Because so many
> of the SBS functions are integrated with other parts of SBS there is no
> way to not use the SM. Unfortunatly, the SM doesn't do everything you
> might want to do though, so you end up using Exchange manager and SQL
> server enterprise manager for some things. I also end up using the DNS
> and other MMC snap-in tools for small details that the SM overlooks.
> There's a few technical groups I belong to on Yahoo that sometimes are
> useful if you'd like me to forward their names to you.

Please, yes.
> Also, I suggest you become a Microsoft Registered Partner and get the
> $300.00 software kit and run SBS in a lab. It's what I do.

We're working on that.  Bob is running a new business, but he's not knew
to business or IT.  We've got a spot picked out _for_ the lab and the
equipment, we just lack the time to put it together.

We're working on that - I think Bob is at the point where he has enough
clients, and they're all in in non-crisis mode, that we can go back and
spend a few days setting up the lab.

SBS seems to be getting better at it's 'script'.  Last time I played
with SBS (years ago) you had to stop every five minutes to answer a new
question.  Now it's a few hours of staring at the monitor and feeding CDs.

Brian Dunbar
System Administrator
Liftport - The Space Elevator Company

brian.dunbar at liftport.com
aim: bdunbar1967

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But move forward, too. Light a candle, yes. But also drive a rivet.

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