[geeks] stupid question: software null modem?

Micah R Ledbetter vlack-lists at vlack.com
Fri Aug 11 20:00:31 CDT 2006

Since I can't find *anything* except some expensive and questionable  
Windows software on the web, I think that I must be missing something  
here, but is it impossible to use a regular serial cable to do the  
work that you would normally use a null modem cable for, by way of  
some software? I can't even find someone saying "no, that's not  
possible".  Perhaps I am just not strong in the Force today.

(I'm having trouble scrounging a null modem cable up from around the  
house, and I can't get out until tomorrow, if that, to go buy one.)

I'm running mac os x. I can probably find a linux box around here  
somewhere if I need to. Kindly smacks with the cluestick appreciated.

  - Micah

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