[geeks] Solaris 10 / OpenSolaris bits to be in next version of OSX

Scott Howard scott at doc.net.au
Thu Aug 10 07:12:25 CDT 2006

On Thu, Aug 10, 2006 at 12:58:09PM +0100, Mike Meredith wrote:
> Whilst I can see the virtue of managing them through vfstab (not least
> because Networker will see the filesystems although it has other
> problems with ZFS), I can see why it isn't done by default. It's easy on

Networker will support ZFS in the next release, which is due out in a
month or so (I've got the beta bits around here somewhere, but haven't
had a chance to play with them yet).  In the interum there's a hack or
two floating about that will make it work.

> Well yes. Anyone at Sun listening ? Get yourself an AIX box and have a
> look at SMIT. And an option to say 'forget about the graphical stuff
> just give me a text interface' (smitty) is *very* useful for remote
> management.

I seriously doubt we'll ever get a text-based version like smitty, but
most new stuff is being done via Web GUIs. For some things this works
quite well, for others not so well...  If you google you'll find an
example of the ZFS GUI that's in OpenSolaris (will make a later release
of Solaris 10)


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