[geeks] assistance: qty 2 of certain French banknote

Bertrand HUTIN bhutin at yahoo.fr
Tue May 25 04:20:47 CDT 2004

5 Francs Notes have disappeared years ago, long before euro arrival
in January 2002.
They were replaced by 5 F coins, followed by 10F and even 20F coins.

you may find more information on this site:
follow the billet francais link
the 50F notes had St Exupery on it, it may be what you are looking for.
Only collectionners may have that kind of notes.

 --- "Patrick Giagnocavo +1.717.201.3366" <patrick at zill.net> a icrit :
> This is for a gift for a geeky brother of mine, who is into flying.
> I am looking for qty 2 of the French 5 Franc notes, that are the
> series that has the author and WWII pilot, Antoine de Saint Exupery,
> on it.
> I want to get 2 of them, and mount them in a shadowbox frame, so that
> both sides of the note can be seen.
> Antoine de Saint Exupery is best known today as the author of the
> book, "The Little Prince" but he was also a very courageous pilot who
> flew recon missions over Northern Africa.  He wrote 2 books about
> flying, one called "Flight to Arras" and the other "Wind Sand and
> Stars".
> If you can help me, please respond to me off-list at patrick at zill.net
> .  
> And yes, I am doing my Christmas shopping in May - partly because I
> expect it to be difficult to find these notes what with them being
> swapped with Euros.
> Cordially
> Patrick
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