[geeks] UPS Fun/horror story...

Lionel Peterson lionel4287 at verizon.net
Wed Mar 17 14:47:22 CST 2004

Hello all,

Last week I got a "Mystery" package via UPS, from Executive Pesrsonal Computers in MO... I have ordered from them in the past, through eBay, but I was not expecting anything... And the box was huge 3 foot x 2 foot x 2 foot), and weighed about 86 pounds.

Anyway, I take it into the garage, open it, and there is an IBM Netfinity 5600 server with 1 Gig of RAM, 2x 600 MHz PIII, and 6x 9 Gig HDs in sleds...


But it's not mine.

I call EPC, and they don't know what to do - can't figure out why I'm calling, but eventually, they figure out they f*cked up at teh UPS computer and selected the wrong address.

OK, they'll send UPS to pick it up tomorrow.

So I pack it up, and put it out for UPS in the storm.

UPS comes, and the "little man" (as my wife refered to him, and she is 5' 2" tall herself), proceeds to *roll* the box end-over-end from the front porch, down the two steps, and along the front walk to his truck!

I expect this server to be DOA when it gets wherever it is going... My peek inside (I *had* to know what I got, right?) revealed missing CPU hold-down bits on the slot 1 CPUs, and a missing RAID controller...

I expect a pissed off client to be calling EPC to complain about their replacement server being damaged as well...

BUT, my dilemia is this - the company EPC never even thanked me for calling them, let alone passing the hardware on to the right client - do I have an obligation to call them and tell them of the UPS man's unique "hand truck avoidance" technique?

Your thougths?

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