[geeks] home wap paranoia

Kurt Huhn kurt at k-huhn.com
Wed Mar 17 12:10:53 CST 2004

On Wed, 17 Mar 2004 11:00:57 -0600 (CST)
Daniel Johannsson wrote:

> Are people in general just trusting 128bit wep and using non broadcast
> ssids, or also doing things like putting the wap on a private network,
> and then forcing ipsec tunnels from the laptops to a machine with a
> nic on both the private and the external facing network?

I use 128b WEP, non-broadcast ssid, and I limit connections based on
MAC address.  Now, obviously, this isn't going to prevent someone from
going promiscuous, snarfing packets, and saving them for later
decryption - but I think that 128b WEP would pretty much make that an
exercise in futility.

Kurt                 "I believe that pipe smoking contributes to a 
kurt at k-huhn.com       somewhat calm and objective judgement in all 
                      human affairs." 
                                                   -- Albert Einstein

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