[geeks] E3000 questions

Bill Bradford mrbill at mrbill.net
Thu Jun 24 10:58:44 CDT 2004

On Thu, Jun 24, 2004 at 03:56:37PM +0000, Lionel Peterson wrote:
> > Shippinng one from TX to VA cost around $300 through DHL.  Unfortunately,
> > an E3K is *just over* the 150-lb UPS and FedEx weight limit when fully 
> > loaded.
> But if you pull the P/S, would it qualify? How far over was it? 
> (the FEH doesn't show weight of either)

Fully-loaded with drives, I think they're 170 lbs.

One full of CPU boards and RAM, but only four drives, was 152 lbs.


bill bradford
austin texas

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