[geeks] Mini-ITX cases/systems/vendors

Bill Bradford mrbill at mrbill.net
Tue Jul 27 12:11:49 CDT 2004

So, who do y'all recommend for Mini-ITX cases/systems and quick, reliable
online vendors?

I've currently got a P3-700 system (along with a couple other smimilar-speed
boxes) doing nothing but network services and remote data backup here at the
house.  Its a mini-tower case, and uses too much power and space, and puts
out too much heat, for what I use it for.

I'm considering replacing it with a mini-ITX box that I can put on a shelf.

Here's what I'm thinking of getting:

	VIA EPIA 800 mini-ITX motherboard (CPU/network/video/etc all built in)

	or the:

	EPIA 5000, which can run fanless:

	to put in a:

	Casetronic C138 mini-ITX case, black, with external 90W power brick

	along with a:

	Mitsumi SR2441 slimline CD-ROM drive

I've already got plenty of PC133 RAM and a 3.5" HD from the existing system(s).

Suggestions?  Thoughts?  Looks like everything above will run me right around
$300, but I'll have a TINY (paperback-boot sized) PC with built-in 10/100
Ethernet that will do everything I need.

Ideas for other similar small-form-factor systems greatly appreciated.  As
much as I like Sun equipment, I'm staying away from the "lunchbox SPARCs"
for this, though.

Unfortunately, the one good computer store that sold mini-ITX parts here in
town closed down about six months ago..


bill bradford
austin texas

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