[geeks] recommended dual channel LVD controller, PC

Björn Ramqvist v53278 at g.haggve.se
Wed Jul 21 01:00:41 CDT 2004

Charles Shannon Hendrix wrote:

> I have a PC running Linux, that has dual Adaptec 2940UW controllers.
> The first does 40MB/sec, the second will only do 20MB/sec (though I
> don't understand why, it is a 2940UW controller).

Do check in the Adaptec BIOS to check that the controllers are set to 
their maximum performance. Check also adapter firmware and compare with 
Adaptecs website.

> What I would like is to move to LVD SCSI (all the drives support it),
> and I would like to cut the PCI slot clutter by using a single card if
> possible.

That's always nice, and the performance would be noticeable.

> I've been looking for Symbios/LSI controllers because I've used them in
> the past and they seem pretty good, but mostly I just want a good one
> that is reliable and easy on the CPU (which means good drivers too).

Remember, there's a reason why HP/DEC/Compaq, SGI and Sun uses the 
Symbios/LSI chips for their SCSI storage. SGI's about the only 
exception, where they actually put a AHA-2940UW into the O2 workstation.
Oh, and HP with their AlphaServer ES45, where they have AIC-7899 chips 
on the internal SCSI cards.

> Any recommendations or notes appreciated.  I've not bought a PC SCSI
> controller in so long now, I have lost track of what is going on in that
> world.
> Cost is a factor, as this is 5 year old PC, and I don't want to put much
> money into it.

If cost is a factor, don't bet on buying new Adaptecs. While they are 
pretty much rock solid on the PeeCee, they are costly because quality costs.
Go check eBay for AHA-3940U2's, AHA-39160's or something familiar. These 
should be somewhat cheap nowadays.


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