[geeks] its what you carry with you

wa2egp at att.net wa2egp at att.net
Sat Jul 10 22:22:44 CDT 2004

On Sun, Jul 11, 2004 at 12:20:23AM +1000, Scott Howard wrote:
> I don't agree with a lot of the laws like this they have bought in in
> Australia, but at the end of the day it's hard to disagree with the
> numbers.
> Homicide rates in Australia are about 1/3rd that in the US. Gun related
> homicides are less than 1/10th the US.

>Yeah, but that was true long before they started banning everything
>sharp or capable of going bang.  So you really can't point at the recent
>gun/knife control laws for that.

>Half the problem in the US is that the inner cities are way overcrowded
>and filled with a violent, hate-filled subculture dominated by drug
>gangs, which run rampant because the US drug policy is both totally
>misguided and utterly ineffectual.  Wouldn't want to cut into anyone's
>profits, after all.

I work in the second largest city in NJ.  Most of Jersey City is OK.  Like all
cities, there are some neighborhoods I wouldn't walk in.  Drug gangs exist
because the powers that be want to make news by getting the "big boys",
not the street dealers.  The "war on drugs" will never be won because if it
was, all the people making money on it will lose their jobs!  Same with the
"war on crime".

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