[geeks] WTF - Linux on a laptop...

Francois Dion fdion at atriumwindows.com
Sat Feb 28 08:38:44 CST 2004

Regarding the wireless driver, I'm considering getting a linksys and 
buying the driver from Lynnsoft. That is the only thing keeping me from 
switching from Windows 2000 to Solaris 9 x86 and staying there. Solaris 
is just a very nice OS. I'd resolve the video resolution first tough in 
case you cant get it going right. What video chipset do you have?

You might want to look here for video:
and if you have an ATI:

There are quite a few network drivers around:
But no wireless (at least non commercial). Lynnsoft is the only solution 
I know of right now. I know they work in Solaris 8, I didn't ask for Sol 
9, but I would think it would work fine.

Last, regarding the image for the Freeware Companion CD, the .rr.bz2 is 
a bz2 compressed iso image. Just rename the .rr to .iso after you 
uncompress and burn it to cd.


Lionel Peterson wrote:

>>From: Francois Dion <fdion at atriumwindows.com>
>>Lionel, did you give up on Solaris on that laptop? I'm
>>running firefox on sol 9 x86 on a IBM 770x and it's fast
>>and rock solid.
>No, I was just using my other Tecra for checking email & hitting a few web pages, and the near-constant grinding of the HD while swapping was driving me nuts!
>I'm still on the fence about buying the WLAN drivers to take my Solaris x86 laptop wireless... $100 is a lot for the driver. but it would be nice ;^)
>Also, what is the magic to get the Solaris Contributed Freeware onto a CD-R? I am not familiar with the filetype for the freeware CD image, but I was able to cut the OE CD-Rs fine (supplied as .iso images)
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