[geeks] WTF - Linux on a laptop...

Nadine Miller vraptor at promessage.com
Fri Feb 27 10:39:35 CST 2004

Phil Stracchino wrote:

> True, but the downside of that is, at the moment Firefox 0.8 appears to
> be very usable on Windows but not ready for prime time on Linux.  On my
> machine at least (Athlon XP1800+ with half a gig of DDR333 RAM running a
> Slackware-based custom install), Firefox becomes unresponsive (and the
> mouse becomes unresponsive when in Firefox's window) for up to about 30
> seconds when loading URLs.

I concur that the new "Firefox" release is a step backwards
from the last Firebird release.

I was using Firebird exclusively on my Mac until updating
(and I didn't archive it :-/) to Firefox.  But the Javafoo
on Firefox hangs often, and the "can click but can't type
URLs/text bug" appears to be back on the OS X build.

So I went back to Netscape and Safari for the moment.


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