[geeks] Terminal Services security

Jonathan C. Patschke jp at celestrion.net
Tue Feb 10 15:22:12 CST 2004

On Tue, 10 Feb 2004, Kevin wrote:

> By "payroll processor" i meant an out-sourced company that we
> use for payroll, not an individual within my company.

If a FINANCE company is asking you to expose a machine with financial
data to the Internet, furthermore a WINDOWS BOX with REMOTE ADMINISTRATOR
ACCESS, your company needs to lose them.  If they're asking you to do
that, I don't know how you could trust them to keep your data safe when
it's in their hands.

Jonathan Patschke  ) "Being on the Internet is not the same as being
Elgin, TX         (   famous.  That's like calling Cheetos 'dinner'."
USA                )                                    --Metal Steve

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