[geeks] OSX and remote console

Caleb Shay caleb at webninja.com
Tue Feb 3 16:18:29 CST 2004

How about:

ssh -f -X $USER@$REMOTE_SERVER xclock

This is assuming you have sshd running on the remote server and have 
"X11Forwarding yes" in the sshd_config on $REMOTE_SERVER

If you are doing this from Terminal.app, make sure X11.app is already 
running and DISPLAY is already set to :0.0

If you are using panther, just running xterm will automatically start 
the xserver and have the DISPLAY environment set correctly.


On 2004-02-03 16:46:51 -0500 Brian Dunbar <brian.dunbar at plexus.com> 

> On Feb 3, 2004, at 3:29 PM, Bill Bradford wrote:
>> On Tue, Feb 03, 2004 at 02:06:38PM -0600, Brian Dunbar wrote:
>>> There isn't anything weird about doing this from Solaris > OSX is
>>> there?  I mean it's been a year or two since I had to setup 
>>> something
>>> like this before .. I may be missing something dumb.
>> Uhm, X11.app that comes with 10.3, or is downloadable for 10.2?
> It's running.  Dang, I feel like I'm missing something really basic.
> natasha.neenah.na.plexus.com: telnet $REMOTE_SERVER
> natasha.neenah.na.plexus.com:0.0
> $REMOTE_SERVER:/:# xclock &
> [1]     15124
> And nothing shows up on Mybox ....
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