[geeks] USB to PS2 keyboard adapter question (Mac)

Mike Parson mparson at bl.org
Tue Apr 13 10:07:23 CDT 2004

On Mon, Apr 12, 2004 at 09:37:07PM -0500, Bill Bradford wrote:
> Is anybody using a PS2 to USB converter with a Mac?  (e.g., using a PS/2
> keyboard on a Mac through a USB converter).  If so, does the "Windows" key
> and the "Alt" key map to the Apple "option" and "Cloverleaf" keys without 
> special drivers?

I use my Happy Hacking PS/2 keyboard on a G4 (running Linux) via a
PS/2->USB converter, no problems.  When I boot up MacOS under MOL, the
key that's mapped to Windows works as the Cloverleaf/Command/Apple key
and alt is alt/option, just like it should be.  Going the other way, for
fun, I've plugged the Mac USB keyboard into a 'doze box too, keys map
that way too.

Michael Parson
mparson at bl.org

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