[geeks] HD data recovery recommendations?

Bill Bradford mrbill at mrbill.net
Fri Apr 9 23:41:01 CDT 2004

On Fri, Apr 09, 2004 at 11:13:06PM -0500, Eric Dittman wrote:
> Is this one of the DeathStars?

Yep, Hitachi-badged 160G drive.  I thought the only Deathstars were the 
40G versions though?  I've got a 60G IBM-badged in this Mac that's been

Basic problem: after being FedExed to another group of people that work with
my friend, this drive won't spin up.  I think they tried to use a 19V power
supply with its external FireWire enclosure instead of the 12V that came with
it.  Before I sent the drive to them, I was able to take it out of the 
enclosure and use it (directly, on the IDE chain) in my PowerMac G4 just fine.
When they got it, "it wont spin up".  Then, when they FedExed it *back* to me,
they didnt screw it into the enclosure - so it was bouncing around inside its
Firewire case.. it got here, and sure enough, won't spin up.

I dont think there is any actual platter/head damage, I think they just 
toasted the controller board.


bill bradford
mrbill at mrbill.net
austin, texas

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