[geeks] Need help choosing a G4 system

Michael Schiller schiller at agrijag.com
Fri Sep 5 05:59:08 CDT 2003

On Friday, September 5, 2003, at 12:07  AM, Lionel Peterson wrote:

> I would posit that all are perfectly satisfactory systems for yor
> stated purpose, but as noted elsewhere, SMP is a great hedge against
> future obsolesence, IMHO. And, at less than $200 over the 1.25 GHz G4
> box, it is my preferred system from your list. But then again, I think
> all computers should have multiple CPUs. ;^)

I too would have to agree that the dual CPU box is the way to go! My 
Dual 500mhz G4 is SO much faster than a friends 450mhz single G4 that 
it's not funny!

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