[geeks] Dog Be Gone

Bill Bradford mrbill at mrbill.net
Wed Oct 22 13:26:46 CDT 2003

On Wed, Oct 22, 2003 at 10:59:52AM -0400, Thomas Gallaway wrote:
> I'm with you there. Shooting animals for fun is just plain wrong. That
> video sickend me especially as I am vegitarian ;-) And I also did read
> the explenation on why to shoot prairie dogs and it did seem to me that
> is just written up so people could shoot them. You could turn that whole
> write up arround replacing prairie dogs with humans. hehe...

Linked from the site:

Subject: Re: [vh] Prairie Dogs
Date: Wed, 12 Aug 1998 09:36:14 -0600
From: Richard Gugeler

Hmmm. I realize Disney (along with National Geographic and The Smithsonian) 
is trying to turn the prairie rat into the next Bambi, but:

1. They are large rodents; just like rats.
2. They are cannibals.
3. They destroy farmers crops.
4. They destroy ranchers' grazing lands and create cattle-crippling holes.
5. They're plague-carrying vermin.
6. Hunting is more humane than poisoning, which is what farmers and ranchers do.
7. To stop the spread of plague, numerous prairie rat towns were poisoned by 
the state of Colorado a year or two back.
8. They breed like, well, rats and don't have enough natural enemies to keep 
the population in check.

Hunting them:

1. Decreases the threat of plague.
2. Provides needed population control.
3. Helps farmers and ranchers and keeps your friend's grocery bills down.
4. Decreases the expenses of the state which otherwise has to engage in 
wide-spread poisoning.
5. Generates revenue for businesses (ammo sales, etc.) and the state 
(hunting licenses).
6. Ammo and license sales fund state wildlife programs. No hunting, no 
wildlife management.

bill bradford
mrbill at mrbill.net
austin, texas

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