[geeks] Swords

nimitz at ns1.nimitzbrood.com nimitz at ns1.nimitzbrood.com
Mon Oct 20 12:16:36 CDT 2003

> On Mon, Oct 20, 2003 at 11:54:40AM -0500, nimitz at ns1.nimitzbrood.com wrote:
> > Understand completely.  My current sword is the (now) $19 Viking Sword form 
> > Bud K.  It's actually quite durable.
> Really?  I was wondering about the quality of their $10-20 swords.  I don't
> expect anything other than something to look cool and hang on the wall, for
> that much money.

I don't know about the katana but the Viking sword I have is actaully made out of spring steel.  Pretty thick too.  Doesn't hold an edge that well but good for banging around with.  Cut up a couch with it once. ;-)

> > If I can dig up the link I'll post the one with the guy making Katana out 
> > of braided steel cable.  Expensive but worth it.
> Wow, please do.


There are other guys that make other things but this guy seems to have good ideas.

I've personally met this guy and a friend of mine has the original Ursa Major he made for him then used as a design for others.

(Warning - uses flash.)

Mike Hebel

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