Suzuki Samurai was Re: [geeks] SPARC proprietary (waaaay off topic)

wa2egp at wa2egp at
Sat Oct 11 21:42:12 CDT 2003

> Sure you can...
> - The US news media doesn't know the meaning of professional integrity.
> - Talking about the professional integrity of the US news media is like
>   talking about honor among thieves.
> - If "professional integrity of the US news media" had less words, you
>   could compare it to "military intelligence."
> - The US news media has professional integrity like sharks have table
>   manners.
> - I'm sorry, the proximity of the phrases "US news media" and "professional
>   integrity" just triggered a state of cognitive dissonance.[1]
> ...And so on.  Any other takers, folks?  :)

> [1]  With due recognition to Howard Tayler, author of _Schlock Mercenary_
>      (
LOL. I stand corrected.

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