[geeks] What graphical environments are people here using on Solaris?

Francois Dion fdion at atriumwindows.com
Tue Oct 7 16:41:49 CDT 2003

Solaris 9 8/03 comes with Gnome 2 and it's only but a click away. It 
seems the preferred environment under Solaris 9 x86, at least with 
people I know (most are also linux users).

I dont mind Sawfish.


Andrew Weiss wrote:

> I am inclined to use mainly CDE since it comes with Solaris 9, but I 
> was wondering if anyone finds other environments preferable for daily 
> work on Solaris.  I am familiar with many environments, however, have 
> never been tempted to replace CDE on Solaris with them.  I'm looking 
> for stuff that doesn't break any underlying software, is reasonably 
> quick, and is not ugly.  Thoughts regarding gnome, kde, and 
> windowmaker (my old favorite), keeping CDE, etc... ?
> Andrew
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