[geeks] Followup on weapons seizure

Andrew Weiss ajwdsp at cloud9.net
Sat Jan 18 14:13:57 CST 2003

I say change the gun regulation laws to be the best they possibly can 
be and then apply them only to ammo.

Own whatever gun you want and when you want it... control the ammo...

Suggest alternate ammo that performs the same way but can't kill. (for 
range shooters)

Suggest alternate ammo that performs the same way but is of limited 
killing power. (for hunters)

Give the full range of normally bought ammo to those who carry 
concealed... (just ideas... many permutations exist)....

I'd love the ability to grab a machine gun loaded with rubber bullets 
and aim for the eyes and groin of an intruder... then tie his ass up 
and pitch him out a second story window onto his feet... wait for cops 
to arrive...
...or the Bond idea... rock salt loaded shot gun

... mmm cruel and unusual non-lethal punishment (perhaps not even 
scarring)... citizens (not the government) should have a right to it.  
(the Dune pain device for instance) --- read stupidity should be 
painful bumper stickers


On Saturday, January 18, 2003, at 01:31  PM, Chris Byrne wrote:

>> I disagree on a very base level with your proposal, but hey - opinions
>> differ.
>> -- 
>> Kurt
> Kurt, theres a big difference between what I believe in as an ideal, 
> and
> what I think can be done in the real world. There will NEVER be any 
> time
> in the future unless we have another revolution (a distinct possibility
> to my mind BTW) where there is unrestricted firearms ownership.
> I believe that almost anything is a fundamental right. I am a strong
> believer in the philosophy that your right to swing your fist ends at 
> my
> nose. I'm a member of the lertarian party for gods sakes, not because I
> actually believe in them as an organization, but because the more 
> mebers
> they have the more vianle they seem to others so that maybe eventually
> this two party SHIT will get fixed.
> I also believe that if we don't do what I suggested the gun banners 
> will
> win.
> they will win.
> They have the media and more than half of our politicians. They have 
> our
> schools and our universities. They have the majority of our urban
> population.
> They will win.
> Unless we cut them off at the knees they will win. How do you propose 
> we
> do that?
> The average person thinks that anyone can go in and buy a gun and that
> if it werent for those brady people every felon would be walking around
> with a machine gun. How do we fight that?
> The only way I can think of is to make a very well publicized national
> standard that the gun-banners can't object to without making it clear
> that they are actually trying to completely ban all guns. Because most
> people think that if you're a basically good person you should be able
> to own a gun, but they belive the gun-banners when they say they're
> asking for reasonable control. They think there isnt already resonable
> control because the media and the banners cast themselves as the
> underdog.
> They have a massive mis-information campaign, and we have Wayne
> LaPierre, Charlton Heston, Tom Selleck, and Eddie the Eagle.
> I love my guns. I love them as works of mechanical and egineering art.
> As symbols of freedom and individual choice. As tools of protection. 
> But
> most people fear guns. They are afraid of a 2 pound hunk of metal and
> sometimes plastic that they honestly feel is evil. How do we fight 
> that?
> Any ideas? I'll listen?
> Chris Byrne
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