[geeks] Im going to XP, wish me luck

Andrew Weiss ajwdsp at cloud9.net
Sat Jan 18 12:35:04 CST 2003

IT has on me... but very rarely and for things I should have known 
better about... i.e. Finder FTP client...

In most cases it was an early OS X ... (Public Beta), DP4, etc.

In most cases I could still ssh in and reboot....

The FTP finder crash I could ping, but not finish the ssh login 
process.  That one is really kind of inexcusable... but... it's also 
not an advertised feature. (undocumented... not supported)


On Saturday, January 18, 2003, at 11:52  AM, Bill Bradford wrote:

> On Sat, Jan 18, 2003 at 12:15:42AM -0700, Chris Byrne wrote:
>> Oh I know, I've set up XP at least fifty times by now. It's just a 
>> real
>> PITA, especially all the hotfixes. And getting all the updates and
>> patches for my software. And all the driver updates. Etc.. Etc... 
>> Etc...
> Hrm, you know, OS X has *never* crashed on me... 8-)
> Bill
> -- 
> bill bradford
> mrbill at mrbill.net
> austin, texas
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