[geeks] Im going to XP, wish me luck

Eric Gregory geek.list at munich.bmwracing.org
Sat Jan 18 08:51:00 CST 2003

XP...  Now, I admit to using Windoze on my machines, for the most part (even
though most of my day is spent in linux shells on other people's computers for
work), but I will NOT run XP.  

Just for kicks, I slapped a copy (whoops, did I say copy, bestill my beating
heart) on one of my desktop machines.  It actually ran VERY well and very fast
for 3 days.  Then it fucked up horribly.  On every boot it would completely
shag the admin profile in the ear and no matter what I did to fix it and get
it running correctly for that session it would once again shove something
unpleasant back into the ear on the next boot.  Win2k on the other hand, while
still being windows, actually runs quite nicely as far as I'm concerned.  

One of these times though, I'm gonna switch to linux or bsd and make it stick
(I keep hopping back on the M$ bus just b/c it has the apps I like).

Have a good one :)


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