[geeks] masculanity and geekdom

Lionel Peterson lionel4287 at yahoo.com
Sun Feb 2 19:45:52 CST 2003

--- Frank Van Damme <frank.vandamme at student.kuleuven.ac.be> wrote:
> On Sunday 02 February 2003 23:37, Amy wrote:
> > > FWIW - If allowed I'll drop the subject here - I've said my
> piece.
> >
> > If you wish and I understand, although the whole manly emotions
> > thing would be an interesting thread (it's a pet-peeve of mine
> > that men are too conditioned to not say or maybe even believe
> in what they're feeling).
> Good. Anyone care to start a thread about masculanity and geekdom? 
> Ah what the hell...

Well, I can't (and wouldn't dare) speak for Amy, but I have known men
my whole life (all 39 years, though I don't remember all of them now
;^), and the most generous number I can come up with is a sample size
of around 500 that I have casually known.

Anyway, to try and make sweeping statements about all men, or even the
subset of Geeky men (AV Squad graduates? ;^) from a sample size that
small compared with the male population, would just be wrong.


I, for one, have no problem expressing emotion, my problem is the
oposite, actually, but that is mainly because my father didn't
show/emote that much in front of me.

I feel, but I don't know how to deal with - only to the point it makes
for slightly uncomfortable situations, nothing more.

I wouldn't call this a problem, more of a situation - I figure I've got
the hard part, but if I work it right, my kids will learn from my
example and not only feel, but know how to deal with their emotions.

Come on group hug!


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