[geeks] Avoiding Blowhard Syndrome redux..

Amy scoobydoo at ohno.mrbill.net
Sun Feb 2 16:37:54 CST 2003

On Sun, 2 Feb 2003, Mike Hebel wrote:
> I was not aware of such a response.  Perhaps I'm just a little more
> tolerant than most people.  I never thought of myself as such though.

Well, you're now aware. It literally got to the point where I was asked to
step in. Considering how whenever I step in on geeks@ something blows
up..that gives you a kind-of gauge as to how terrible it was getting.
Normally I stay away from here as I enjoy other lists more.

> 1) People do give a damn even if they don't say so.  Please don't think
> all people are unfeeling and lump us all together because we aren't.  I
> often can't express my true feelings about things because of a situation
> or the company I'm in.  Do you really think a group of "Manly Men" could
> show serious emotion?  It's not "accepted" for men to do that.

I married a fairly unmanly guy, I guess, 'cause he tells me what he's
feeling or what he's thinking and doesn't think he'll be debased for it.

Maybe it's not accepted by most other men for men to be unmanly and to be
emotional..but most women would lay themselves at your feet praising god
or whoever if you did. Seriously. It makes things much much nicer. Your
sex life will improve by the thousandth degree. Marriages would improve or
be formed, etc. I cannot stress how much emotional feedback means to
women. It's like we're plants and it's the CO2 or something.

> 2) Point taken about the "bitchin' about it" but perhaps that's what
> Chris needs as an outlet.

There comes a point where the outlet isn't to be had here. There are other
lists, livejournals, etc. that would be more suited to his life story or
whatnot than geeks at . Yeah, it's a fine line and it's up to Bill (not me)
to say where that line exists. When Bill starts schizing, the line's been
crossed. I think everyone here would say it is an understatement that Bill
is tolerant, yanno?

> That's an understandable point of view but wouldn't it be good to keep
> in mind that posting as you did on the list causes the same sort of
> issues you're trying to prevent?

Sure. And some of it is unavoidable.

> FWIW - If allowed I'll drop the subject here - I've said my piece.

If you wish and I understand, although the whole manly emotions thing
would be an interesting thread (it's a pet-peeve of mine that men are too
conditioned to not say or maybe even believe in what they're feeling).


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